If you have not done so already your preparation for the winter .
Things to consider, silicone spray for external jackets , mittens , liner gloves , dry bag check for holes , emergency rations , check emergency shelters .
The kit you carry in your backpack, your snow spikes as it’s still very clear from trek in Snowdonia yesterday, there’s a massive amount of incorrectly equipped people on the hills still putting greater pressure on mountain rescue.
We came across groups that where lost and reliant on social media and apps .
The amount people still leaving the start points and carparks with no idea of what they are under taking .
If your an experienced walk and you see anyone lost or embarrassed poeple,please try and direct them in the correct direct and check there welfare and explain the weather and climate changes as they climb in altitude.
You can gain up to an extra 25 mph in wind and gain a drop in temperature of up to -10 degrees from start points .
Safe trekking guys